Frequently asked questions

On this page you will find the fence installation process from start to finish including information about getting a permit, marking out your boundary lines and what to expect from us.

As we are a lead generation company, the processes laid out here may vary from company to company.  When you use our website and fill in a form, you are contacted by up to three fence installation companies that are vetted by us and have proven track records.  This allows you to choose the fence company that is right for you and keeps the fence companies honest as you know if you get two estimates in the same ball park and one way off, then you will tend to pick one of the two better options.  

Towards the bottom of the page, there is a comprehensive list of questions we have been asked over the years.

We can do all the work for getting the necessary permits and organizing the utility companies for the power lines etc but you are responsible for any personal lines such as sprinkler systems and lighting.

We can also organize a survey to determine property lines if you can’t find them. This will be added onto the price of the fence and/or gate install.

If there’s anything we have missed or you are unable to come up with some of the information required or need a bit of guidance, please give us a call, our amazing staff are waiting and ready to answer all your queries (409) 215-2469

Our Fence Installation Process - Start To Finish

First Things First...

There are a few things to consider when thinking about having a fence installed or replaced.

1. Intended Use.

Is it to mark off an area for a pet or to keep children safe in your yard?

Other uses can be for a pool,  property boundary setting, play area safety, privacy, perimeter, yard separation between pool and lawn for example.

Or maybe you just want to top off your property with a great looking fence for curb appeal?

This will help you to select the correct material you want the fence to be made out of.

For example, if you are after more privacy, a chain link fence will not be ideal so you may want to go with wood or vinyl.

Saying that, a chain link fence is great for dividing areas of your yard, for example a pet poop area separated from the kids play area.

Knowing the purpose for the fence will help the decision process.

Have a look at our fence options (link to residential) and if you are a commercial customer look here and see what we can do for your business premises (link)

2. Climate. The climate affects fences differently. A PVC/Vinyl fence will not warp as much as a wood fence in humid conditions for example.

3. Your budget. The type of fence you want will be dependent on what your budget is.

4. Maintenance. An important aspect to consider is how much time you have to devote to maintaining your fence.  Some fences such as PVC/Vinyl require very little maintenance while a wood fence needs to be resealed and maintained every couple of years.

You also have to factor this into your budget for the price of sealants etc if using wood for example.

Lastly, your own style.  What do you like the look of as you’re driving around town and how would that fit in with the style of your home?

Do you want it to fit in with the rest of the community (are there by-laws that state it has to?) or do you want it to stand out and be unique (if you do this, you may stand out too much for thieves etc.) 

There are FAQs towards the bottom of this page which cover  questions and information we are asked for and there are also FAQs on the different fence type pages that are specific to that fence type.

If there is a question you have that isn’t covered, please get in touch using one of the forms or give us a call on (409) 215-2469 where we can answer every single question fully for you so you make the best choice for you and your property.


The next thing to do is to either call or head on down to your local city council or zoning area, if you are not sure where they are located, a simple call to the council offices will direct you to where you need to go.

This is to make sure if you need a permit and if there are any zoning laws and easement rules in your vicinity. Finding out these beforehand helps to avert any problems later on.

Some repairs may also need a permit.

What you should find out is height rules, design as in post spacing and allowable fence types, materials allowed and any constraints on where you can place your fence.

You also want to contact your HOA (if applicable) and find out their regulations such as the height rules etc mentioned above.


*IMPORTANT* In order not to damage anything, you now need to contact the “Call Before You Dig” number which is 811 – this number redirects automatically to your local office.

This is a really important step because if something underground gets a shovel through it, there could be considerable damage and injury if a gas pipe is cut through for example. (As a side note, cables can be just a few inches underground so the Common Ground Alliance say you should call them even if just planting a flower bed or bush, it’s that important.

If something happens and you didn’t get the replies from all the utility services needed then you could be in for some hefty fines as well as the headaches that would come from this if anything serious happened.

Usually you would want to call around 3 to 5 days before digging is set to commence to give time for the utility companies to come out but we like this to be set up front so you can get the perimeters right and not have to do the outline step below again. Just let the necessary utility companies know when you are wanting to start digging and they can help you out with organizing the visits.

This part is probably the most important, we can’t stress it enough to keep peace of mind and to keep your community safe.

***** We can help you with this step if required as we need to check everything is in order ourselves before we commence.

***** You need to organize where your own private lines are though such as any lighting cables or sprinkler systems etc.

After That...

After you have contacted the local authorities for the regulations you can then determine your property lines for where the fence can be installed up to and if there are any pipes or utility cables etc that need to be taken into account.

This means getting your home survey or plot plan so we can figure out exact property lines. You should have the plans of your home from when you closed on the purchase.

If you are unable to find them, just call your local county courthouse or records office who can supply you with the necessary information.

After you have the plan, outline where you want the fence to go within your property lines. You can use simple sticks and string for this.

Next... The Process From Our Side

Now you have all that organized, call or drop us a line using one of the quote forms and you will be contacted by up to three different fence companies who will provide you with a quote.  You are under no obligation to hire any of them but, if you do, you can be safe in the knowledge that each fence company is vetted by us and deemed to be one of the best fence contractors in your area and they will help you get the ball rolling on your new fence.

If you are struggling to come up with the necessary information or you are not sure about something, please get in touch as well, we are most happy to help! (409) 215-2469

The Estimate

Now you have your documents together, your property plans, HOA letter, zoning requirements etc, give us a call or use one of the forms on this website and we will be able to organize an appointment (usually about an hour) where we can go through your needs and provide different options available to you.

We’ll discuss any restrictions from HOA and zoning, how much maintenance you want to be doing, your budget and what style and materials you like the look of.

We will also want to have a look at the area where you want the fence to be installed, any slopes, the ground, obstructions and where any gates will go.

Before The Installation

There’s just a couple of things left to do before we can go ahead and start the installation.

These are:

Sign the contract and send the deposit.  The deposit is a minimum 10% but can be up to 30% depending on the materials used or if it is a quick turnaround job like some repairs are.

Send copies of the permit (if you got it yourself and didn’t get us to organize it for you), HOA approval letter and your property survey/boundary  plan.

Once we have these we can schedule your installation.  Sometimes adverse weather dictates we cannot install on a certain day but we will try to let you know well in advance or by 9am on the day if it is a freak storm or similar.

We will then organize the materials.

Public Utilities – We will contact 811 to have the utilities and any other cables and gas lines marked out so we can avoid them when digging.

***** IMPORTANT – as mentioned earlier, it is your responsibility to mark any private utilities (water to hot tub, lighting to shed or garage, sprinkler system.

These must be moved out of the way before we get come to install as we cannot take liability for damaged private lines.

Any sheds, landscaping or other obstructions need to be moved out of the way as well.

Any branches, shrubs, trees, flowers that you do not want damaged should be trimmed or moved away too.

We can sometimes work around the shed or tree or move the fence line away from the utility line but sometimes we cannot due to the property boundary lines.

We also need access to your neighbors property for getting equipment and team members in and out of the installation area.

Plus, we need to be able to get to the other side of the fence on your neighbors side.

It gives them a heads up so they are not surprised at a team of men in and around their property.

The Installation

We would like you to be at home for the install.  Our customers satisfaction is usually at its highest when they have been around for the install as they can be there for answering any questions the building team have.

The building team also needs access to water and electricity.

All other utilities can be switched off.

The first 15 minutes of the install is where we walk around the property and scope the job to be carried out, answer any questions and make sure that the plan is still the plan.

If there is a fence to be taken down, we will take it down and haul it away at the end of the completed job (the cost for doing this is added onto the bill.)

We will then get al the materials into place ready to be installed.

We will then carry out the fence and/or gate installation as per the plan on the contract, avoiding the marked out public, and your privately marked, utility lines.

After Your Fence Installation Has Been Completed

The building team will walk you around your new fence and answer any questions you have.

After you are happy with absolutely everything, we will ask you to sign off on the project.

The remainder of the payment is then due.

This can be by giving the install team a check or calling our office and paying by debit or credit card.  We do not hold any payment details on file.


There might be some remnants of having a work crew in your yard, things like pebbles or dirt from the hole digging and the grass will probably have been flattened a bit from the boots of our team and equipment. 

If it was raining, it may be even more noticeable.

We always make sure to leave any work areas as we found them but sometimes a little bit of mess is unavoidable and we hope that you understand. 

We then leave the permit attached to the fence and call the permit and zoning office for them to come out and check the fence is okay and adheres to the permit etc.

You can now enjoy your new fence and have piece of mind that our work and materials are under warranty and guaranteed.

Our Most Frequently Asked Questions...

Fence Installation Rules And Regulations...

Do I need a Permit?

More often than not a permit is not required for fences below 6 feet but it is necessary to call zoning and permit regulations where you are located. Also contact your HOA and any other associations connected to your property for their individual requirements as you may need additional waivers from easement holders for example.

Even if repairing or changing a fence that has already been installed, you still need to go through the proper channels.

What you want to find out are zoning laws and easement rules. Finding out these beforehand helps to avert any problems later on.

Additionally, ask about height rules, design, materials allowed and any constraints on where you can place your fence.

As all the fence companies we use are licensed and insured, they can actually do it for you as part of their service.

However, if you want to do it yourself, give the council a phone.

For zoning and permit information the Beaumont Permits Office is located at: 801 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, 77701. (409)-880-3762

What Else Do I Need To Think About?

You have to contact the “Call Before You Dig” number which is 811 – this number redirects automatically to your local office. This is vitally important and you should even call 811 if you are only planting a bush!

The reason this is so important is because utility cables and such can sometimes only be a few inches below the surface and if someone were to bang a shovel and hit a gas line, it wouldn’t be a very good day.

You also need to get the plans for your property and see your survey or plot plan.

The local council offices can be called (409) 980-8311 to help with this if you are unable to locate these from the close of the property purchase. It’s also a good idea to speak with your neighbors about your plans as a courtesy measure and to flatten out any issues they may have.

Are You Licenced And Insured?

As we are a lead generation company, when you use our website and call or fill in a form, you are contacted by up to three fence installation companies that are vetted by us and have proven track records. This allows you to choose the fence company that is right for you and keeps the fence companies honest as you know if you get two estimates in the same ball park and one way off, then you will tend to pick one of the two better options.

Is The Work Guaranteed?

The fence companies we work with offer guarantees for workmanship and the individual materials used usually have their own guarantees too.  Please ask for the guarantee information when you are discussing you quote.

Will You Organize The Permits And Call The Utility Companies To Help Locate Underground Utility Lines?

Yes, this can be carried out for you if required so please ask when you contact for your free quote. It is your responsibility to locate and mark any lines or cables you have installed yourself such as plumbing to a hot tub, swimming pool, sauna, lighting or sprinkler systems for example.
For the main utilities such as from your gas, electricity, cable companies etc, the name of the record should be the person or company doing the digging so you do not need to contact them if you have a fence company install your fence.

What If I Live In A Community Which Has An HOA?

The HOA will probably have guidelines and rules for fence installs so you need to contact them and find out what these might be. Examples can be colors used, heights, if chain link can be used or not etc.

What About The Utilities I Have Installed Myself Such As Electrics To A Shed Or Water To A Hot Tub?

If you have installed any utilities yourself for outdoor lighting, sprinkler system, hot tub, garage lighting etc, you will need to mark these yourself before the install is carried out. If we hit a private utility and it was not marked out by you, we are not liable for damages.

How Tall Can My Fence Be?

Most, if not all, cities have a height restriction of 6 feet for residential fences. Contact Beaumont zoning and permits office on (409) 880-3762 and speak to your HOA as well.

Who Owns The Fence Between Two Properties?

Your boundaries will be marked on your property plans. If there is a T inside your property lines it means you are responsible for the fence and its maintenance.

If the T is on your neighbors side of the property lines then your neighbor is responsible for the fence.

If there is a double T that looks like an H, you and your neighbor are responsible.

How Close To The Property Line Can I Build A Fence?

Usually fences are built two to eight inches from the property line as you will probably need to get in behind the fence for maintenance tasks.

We require about two feet at the backside of the fence for moving around and equipment etc which is why we ask you to let your neighbors know that we may need access tot heir property as well.

Do I need To Tell My Neighbors?

It is purely a courtesy thing and will also help to resolve disputes in the future.

We know your neighbors will appreciate the heads up gesture too!

This also helps because your neighbor needs to be aware that we may need access to their property to get materials, equipment and staff through to the work area as 2 feet of clearance is needed at either side of the fence.

Financial Stuff...

How Much Will My Fence Cost?

The average our customers have been paying in 2022 is $2600 (including labor.)

Repairs average $574 The prices below are purely ball park figures as there are many factors such as the materials used, the linear footage, type of fence (privacy etc), coatings, finials (decorative additions), height, and the terrain it is to be installed on such as rocky and if there are any slopes and hills.

So, purely ballpark figures based on a 4 foot fence: (Prices include labor.)

  • Wood – $14 and $45 per linear foot. (Average $28)
  • PVC/Vinyl – $10 to $40 per linear foot. (Average $28)
  • Aluminum – $19 to $90 per linear foot. (Average $55)
  • Chain Link – $11 to $33 per linear foot. (Average $17.50)

Is The Price Of The Gate Included In The Price Of The Fence Installation?

No. The price of having a gate installed is to be added onto the price of the fence. Depending on the gate (size, footage, materials, automatic closing etc), our prices range from $200 (can go up to $20,000 and above) and above with the average being $2255

Do Fences Increase Property Value?

A back yard fence can increase the value of your property by up to 50% the price of the fence. However, sometimes, a fence around the front of the house can reduce the curb appeal if it looks out of place with the rest of the neighborhood.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

Most forms of normal payment such as cash, debit cards, and VISA, Mastercard, AMEX credit cards are accepted.

What Is Your Payment Schedule?

Fence companies usually take between 10% and 20% but can take up to 30% up front.

The 30% is on very certain circumstances for example if the job is a very small one such as a quick repair or if the fence has more upfront costs for us in terms of material cost and weight to transport for example if it is a wrought iron fence.

Do You Offer Financing?

Please ask about this when discussing your quote as some companies do and some don’t.  If not, they can probably point you to some good options.

Do You Offer Free Estimates?

Most reputable fence companies do. Feel free to either call or fill out one of the forms on any page of this site and up to three vetted fence companies will get back to you very quickly. (409) 215-2469

Do You Have A Rock Charge?

If the ground is too difficult to dig through and the company needs to use a jack hammer, there is usually a rock charge which is added to the price of the final fence but whoever you work with will let you know as they go on with the install.

Installation Questions...

How Long Will My Project Take And When Can You Start?

Your project can be carried out within a few weeks and depending on the size of fence, it can be installed over a few days.

The timing really depends on the permit process and having all the necessary documents in place.

The average is 5 weeks from start to finish. In busy summer periods, it can take up to 8 weeks.

When Is The Best Time To Get A Fence Installed?

During fall and winter is a great time as our calendar is more open.

What If Trees Or Landscaping Or A Shed In The Way etc?

If there are trees or other obstruction in the line of where you want the fence to be installed, the fence will be installed on the owners side of the obstruction.

The best option is to remove the tree and the stump (or move the landscaping or plants etc) or whatever other obstruction there might be.

If you don’t want to remove the tree or obstruction, we can build around it, box it or stop and use the tree as part of the fence.

We can go over the options with you on the phone. Any sheds etc should be moved.

Fence Questions...

Can You Do A Custom Fence?

Most fence companies can build almost any type of fence you can imagine, fill out a form or call to discuss your requirements. (409) 215-2469

Do You Do Gates As well?

Yes, all the materials used for fences can be used to make gates.

If I Want Complete Privacy, What Are My Options?

Two of the best options for complete privacy are board on board wood and PVC?Vinyl tongue and groove. See our article on privacy fences for more information here –

What Is the Most Popular Fence In Beaumont, Texas?

For wood, Western red cedar is the most common as it is good at dealing with the extreme temperature and moisture changes of Texas where the wood expands and contracts in the hot and cold. It is also an affordable option and looks great too.

PVC/Vinyl and aluminum are also quite common as they last a long time.

How Do I Maintain My Fence?

Depending on the type of material used, it can be as easy as a hose and sponge for PVC/Vinyl.

Wood requires staining and resealing every couple of years and a metal fence needs checking for rust and coatings.

And remember to do both sides! We will provide advice for maintaining the fence we install for you.

How Long Will My Fence Last For?

Of course it depends on the material used and if it has been maintained properly but, on average, you can expect wood fences to last between 5 and 20+ years depending on wood type, vinyl/PVC to last twenty years plus, aluminum to last 20 years plus, chain link around 20 years.

What Type Of Fence Is Best For Beaumont, Texas?

This all depends on what purpose the fence will carry out as some materials are better than others for say security and some are better for privacy.

We have complete run downs on every style of fence we install on the separate pages for that material (which you can find at the menu at the top) but generally…

PVC/Vinyl is good as it wont rust, warp, rot or splinter in the humid and changing Texas weather.

Aluminum lasts for years with proper maintenance.

What Fence Needs Least Maintenance?

Aluminum and PVC/Vinyl require the least amount of maintenance with wood fences needing the most. Wrought iron requires painting and touch ups every year or so as well.

What Fence Type Is Most Durable?

PVC/Vinyl and aluminum can be considered the most durable as they don’t rot or get mold etc so they last quite a long time.

These types of fences also come with long term warranties as well.

Do You Do Fence Repairs?

Most fence companies will repair fences even if they weren’t installed by that company, see our fence repairs page or give us a call to see how we can help.

Do You Install Fences During Winter?

Yes we do, it’s one of the best times to have a fence installed as it is off season so there is more openings and shorter turnaround times. This of course depends on the weather as frozen ground will affect whether we can work or not.

Will You Break Down And Remove A fence That Is Already There?

Yes we can, if you are having a fence replaced, the price for breaking it down and hauling it away will be included in the estimate.

Do I Need To Know Where I Want The gate?

You should have a general idea for where you would like the gate to be.

Things to think about are general traffic flow, pets, children, access points, lawnmowers and tools, household goods such as couches and washing machines etc.

You can do this when you plan the outline for your fence.

Do You Need Access To Power And Water?

Yes please. If you are unable to provide power and water please let us know so we can organize this.

If we get to your property to start the job and you have not told us that we need to provide our own power and water then there will be an additional charge added to the final bill.

Do I Need To Be Home For My Fence Install?

No you don’t need to be but we prefer that you.

Being home also enables us to ask questions along the way with regard to water and electricity points or anything else that comes up during the day for either parties.

Even if you are not going to be home for the duration, you do need to meet the team in the morning to go over the job and finalize any questions you have such as rock charge and if the ground is okay for normal tools for example.  It just keeps everyone on the same page that way.

How Wide Should My Gate Be?

We say that for wood and PVC/Vinyl, 5 foot wide and under.

Metal can be a lot wider due to being stronger material.

One thing to think about is if you need access to bigger machinery such as lawnmowers or if you will be moving a couch or washing machine in the future.

Should A Gate Be The Same Height As The Fence?

The fence and gate should be the same height, otherwise it looks out of place and will probably annoy you as time passes.


What Areas Do You Serve?

We serve Beaumont, Nederland, Port Arthur and surrounding areas.

If I Bought The Materials, would You Install The Fence For Me?

Unfortunately we can’t install fence materials that have been purchased previously because we can only guarantee the products and materials we provide.

Do You Have Reviews And Testimonials?

Yes, our customer care and sales departments can provide you with many reviews and testimonials from loads of our happy customers over the years.

We don’t like to advertise them for the same reason we don’t put our license and insurance documents online incase there are people that steal them and pretend to be us.

My Question Isn't Answered Here, How Can I Get In Touch With You?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with all your questions and queries, our amazing staff are waiting and ready! (409) 215-2469

Get A Free Quote For Your Fencing Project Today!

We are a lead generation company and we only work with the very best fence installation companies.  To that end, when you submit the form below for a quote, you will be contacted by up to 3 fence companies who will quote your project for you. 

This means that you get the best service as, if one quote seems too high and the others are closer together, you are in a position to make a good decision as opposed to only receiving one quote and still having to do some more research or even find out later the company over charged you. 

About Us

Our Fence Company in Beaumont Texas uses only the very best of materials molded by the very best of craftsmen.

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